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vozy Jeep off-road

Jeep Commander 3.0 CRD, 4X4, Automat, 7 míst

Jeep Commander

new price
3 603 EUR
3.0 CRD, 4X4, Automat, 7 míst
6x airbag, el. adjustable seats, panoramic roof, el. mirrors, power steering, sunroof, car radio, auto air conditioning, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), fog lights, leather upholstery, tyre pressure sensor, ABS, central locking, on-board computer, el. folding mirrors, chassis stabilisation (ESP), heated seats, towing bracket, el. windows, roof rack, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive

4X4,​ 7 MÍST,​ TAŽNÉ,​ KŮŽE,​ STK 05/26.
273 tkm
160 kW
3 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Cherokee

4 400 EUR
2.8 CRD Limited/Automat
207 tkm
120 kW
2.8 l
Jeep Commander 3.0 CRD, 4X4, Automat, 7 míst

Jeep Commander

news on the server
5 204 EUR
3.0 CRD, 4X4, Automat, 7 míst
Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), fog lights, leather upholstery, wiper sensor, 6x airbag, el. adjustable seats, panoramic roof, el. mirrors, power steering, sunroof, car radio, ABS, manual air conditioning, central locking, on-board computer, el. folding mirrors, chassis stabilisation (ESP), heated seats, push-button start, el. windows, roof rack, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive

spolehlivý vůz po pečlivém majiteli.
222 tkm
160 kW
3 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Commander

5 564 EUR
3.7 4x4 7 míst LPG TOP cena
304 tkm
157 kW
3.7 l
Jeep Cherokee 2.8 CRD, 4X4, Automat

Jeep Cherokee

new price
6 005 EUR
2.8 CRD, 4X4, Automat
auto air conditioning, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), fog lights, tyre pressure sensor, ABS, central locking, on-board computer, chassis stabilisation (ESP), parking assistant, el. windows, roof rack, 6x airbag, el. adjustable seats, el. mirrors, power steering, car radio, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive

Vůz s výkonným naftovým motorem,​ automatickou převodovkou a pohonem 4x4.
217 tkm
130 kW
2.8 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 3.0 CRD, 4X4, Automat

Jeep Grand Cherokee

6 005 EUR
Limited 3.0 CRD, 4X4, Automat
4x airbag, alu wheels, el. adjustable seats, el. mirrors, power steering, sunroof, car radio, auto air conditioning, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), fog lights, leather upholstery, wiper sensor, ABS, central locking, on-board computer, el. folding mirrors, heated seats, towing bracket, parking assistant, el. windows, roof rack, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive
192 tkm
160 kW
3 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland 3.0 CRD, 4X4

Jeep Grand Cherokee

new price
6 005 EUR
Overland 3.0 CRD, 4X4
ABS, central locking, on-board computer, el. folding mirrors, chassis stabilisation (ESP), heated seats, parking assistant, el. windows, roof rack, 8x airbag, el. adjustable seats, el. mirrors, power steering, sunroof, car radio, auto air conditioning, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), leather upholstery, wiper sensor, tyre pressure sensor, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive

Výkonný motor,​ dlouhá platnost STK 9/26,​ pohon 4x4,​ automat,​ bohatá výbava.
173 tkm
155 kW
3 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Patriot

7 526 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2.2 L CRD 120kW 4x4 TZ-2 t *ČR
181 tkm
120 kW
2.1 l
Jeep Wrangler 4.2L 86kw LPG Model YM-CV8

Jeep Wrangler

9 167 EUR
4.2L 86kw LPG Model YM-CV8
manual transmission, 4x4 drive, 5 gears

EKO zaplaceno. V ČR od 2018. Ve VTP zapsán LPG,​ přední rám,​ kola,​ výjimky DOT. Nádrž LPG do 11/2027. Systém LPG dáván nový v 8/202...
101 tkm
86 kW
4.2 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Patriot

10 004 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
143 tkm
120 kW
2.1 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Grand Cherokee

news on the server
11 409 EUR
3.0 CRD V6 CZ původ
300 tkm
177 kW
3 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Compass

12 770 EUR
2,0 Mjt 140k Longitude 4WD
209 tkm
103 kW
2 l
Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 3.0 CRD, 4X4, Automat

Jeep Grand Cherokee

13 611 EUR
Limited 3.0 CRD, 4X4, Automat
heated steering wheel, el. windows, roof rack, 6x airbag, el. adjustable seats, el. mirrors, power steering, car radio, auto air conditioning, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), fog lights, leather upholstery, wiper sensor, ABS, central locking, on-board computer, el. folding mirrors, chassis stabilisation (ESP), heated seats, towing bracket, USB, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive

service book
141 tkm
177 kW
3 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 CRD, 4X4, Automat, Kůže

Jeep Grand Cherokee

news on the server
15 612 EUR
3.0 CRD, 4X4, Automat, Kůže
DVD player, el. adjustable seats, el. mirrors, power steering, car radio, ABS, central locking, on-board computer, el. folding mirrors, chassis stabilisation (ESP), heated seats, towing bracket, USB, xenon headlights, heated steering wheel, parking assistant, el. windows, roof rack, auto air conditioning, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), fog lights, leather upholstery, wiper sensor, tyre pressure sensor, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive
176 tkm
184 kW
3 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

15 973 EUR
338 tkm
130 kW
2.8 l
Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 CRD

Jeep Grand Cherokee

news on the server
18 415 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.0 CRD
6x airbag, el. adjustable seats, el. mirrors, power steering, car radio, ABS, central locking, on-board computer, el. folding mirrors, chassis stabilisation (ESP), heated seats, push-button start, towing bracket, USB, heated steering wheel, watch line, el. windows, roof rack, auto air conditioning, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), fog lights, chassis height adjustment, wiper sensor, tyre pressure sensor, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive

service book,​ koupeno v CZ.
179 tkm
184 kW
3 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
Jeep Wrangler 2.8 CRD

Jeep Wrangler

new price
19 135 EUR
2.8 CRD
auto air conditioning, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), fog lights, leather upholstery, tyre pressure sensor, 6x airbag, el. mirrors, power steering, car radio, el. windows, roof rack, ABS, central locking, on-board computer, chassis stabilisation (ESP), heated seats, USB, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive

service book
294 tkm
147 kW
2.8 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
Jeep Wrangler 2.8CRD Unlimited

Jeep Wrangler

news on the server
19 816 EUR
2.8CRD Unlimited
4x4 drive, aut. transmission, 5 gears, 2x airbag, ABS, chassis stabilisation (ESP), Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), towing bracket, power steering, manual air conditioning, cruise control, alu wheels, on-board computer, satellite navigation, adjustable steering wheel, hands free, bluetooth, el. windows, full-size spare wheel, el. mirrors, immobiliser, remote control, central locking, height adjustable driver's seat, Brake pad wear sensor, fog lights, USB, AUX, car radio, CD player, outside thermometer, heated mirrors, split rear seats, rear wiper, tinted glass, tinted rear windows, differential lock

bought in CZ,​ first owner,​ not crashed,​ service book,​ Zakoupen nový v ČR! Nyní po servisní prohlídce vč.nové rozvodové sady! Více ...
36 tkm
130 kW
2.8 l
REGIO AUTO, spol. s r.o., Hradec Králové
Jeep Wrangler 2.8 CRD

Jeep Wrangler

new price
22 978 EUR
2.8 CRD
Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), 4x airbag, alarm, el. mirrors, power steering, car radio, ABS, manual air conditioning, central locking, on-board computer, chassis stabilisation (ESP), towing bracket, USB, el. windows, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive

first owner,​ service book
108 tkm
147 kW
2.8 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
Jeep Wrangler 2.8 CRD Unlimited Sahara Auto

Jeep Wrangler

23 618 EUR
2,8 CRD Unlimited Sahara Auto
CD player, USB, AUX, bluetooth, remote control, alarm, immobiliser, el. windows, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, tinted glass, fog lights, tinted rear windows, rear wiper, auto air conditioning, heated seats, height adjustable driver's seat, longitudinal seat slide, extendable head restraints, reclining seats, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, 2x airbag, on-board computer, satellite navigation, parking assistant, outside thermometer, isofix, towing bracket, alu wheels, Brake pad wear sensor, ABS, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), chassis stabilisation (ESP), power steering, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive, parking camera, cruise control, Rear parking sensors, light sensor, small leather package

bought in CZ,​ service book,​ ČK: 63 Pravidelný servis vozu,​ doživotní garance na původ vozu a počet najetých KM,​ vin pro vaší kontr...
94 tkm
147 kW
2.8 l
AUTO FALTYS s.r.o., Praha 9 Čakovice
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Compass

27 218 EUR
2,4 Limited 4x4, LPG
17 tkm
134 kW
2.4 l
Jeep Wrangler 2.8CRD 147kW SPORT UNLIMITED

Jeep Wrangler

news on the server
27 622 EUR
4x airbag, ABS, aut. transmission, AUX, bluetooth, remote control, el. windows, el. mirrors, hands free, voice control of the on-board computer, isofix, manual air conditioning, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, on-board computer, full-size spare wheel, 4x4 drive, power steering, LED headlights, downhill speed control, chassis stabilisation (ESP), towing bracket, cruise control, USB, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, heated mirrors, height-adjustable seats

service book,​ EV.Č.: 320 . Rádi Vám zpracujeme nezávaznou nabídku výhodného financování,​ pojištění a prodloužené záruky k vozu. Ne...
197 tkm
147 kW
2.8 l
MAMA CAR a.s., Praha 4
Jeep Wrangler 2.8 CRD

Jeep Wrangler

new price
27 622 EUR
2.8 CRD
auto air conditioning, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), fog lights, tyre pressure sensor, 6x airbag, el. mirrors, power steering, car radio, el. windows, ABS, central locking, on-board computer, chassis stabilisation (ESP), heated seats, USB, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive

service book
182 tkm
147 kW
2.8 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
Jeep Compass 1.3 GSE 130k man. Limited

Jeep Compass

27 942 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
1.3 GSE 130k man. Limited
6 gears, 8x airbag, ABS, auto air conditioning, car radio, Brake assist, remote control, passenger airbag deactivation, split rear seats, daytime running lights, el. windows, el. folding mirrors, el. mirrors, watch line, Blind spot monitoring, immobiliser, alu wheels, manual transmission, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, turning searchlights, headlight washers, on-board computer, parking assistant, 4x2 drive, reclining seats, power steering, satellite navigation, wiper sensor, tyre pressure sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), push-button start, cruise control, USB, outside thermometer, heated seats, heated mirrors, hands free, dual-zone air conditioning, bluetooth, parking camera, start-stop system, wireless mobile phone charger, isofix, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, keyless unlocking, keyless start, leather upholstery, tinted glass, warranty, Hill Start Assist (HSA), LED daytime running lights, tinted rear windows, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, automatic high beam switching, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, LED adaptive headlights, front-wheel drive

Vozidlo precizně polepeno matnou šedou fólií dle foto. Originální barva Blue Italia. Vozidlo s malým nájezdem v perfektním stavu. ...
18 tkm
96 kW
1.2 l
AUTOCENTRUM Dojáček spol. s.r.o., Praha 10 - Vršovice
Jeep Compass 1.3 T-GDI 240k S-Limited 4x4 P

Jeep Compass

28 018 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
1.3 T-GDI 240k S-Limited 4x4 P
aut. transmission

bought in CZ,​ first owner,​ service book,​ Vystaveno na prodejně Jeep ​- U Seřadiště 65/7,​ Praha 10. Pro více informací volejte Pavla...
58 tkm
132 kW
1.3 l
hybrid - petrol
AUTOCENTRUM Dojáček spol. s.r.o., Praha 10 - Vršovice
Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited

Jeep Wrangler

32 822 EUR
Sahara Unlimited
4x4 drive, aut. transmission, 8 gears, sports chassis, 6x airbag, driver's airbag, ABS, Brake assist, chassis stabilisation (ESP), EDS, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), emergency braking (PEBS), Trailer Stability Assist (TSA), downhill speed control, Hill Start Assist (HSA), Blind spot monitoring, auto. hill braking, towing bracket, power steering, dual-zone air conditioning, auto air conditioning, adaptive cruise control, cruise control, LED adaptive headlights, daytime running lights, LED daytime running lights, alu wheels, fulfils 'EURO VI', on-board computer, touch control of the on-board computer, digital instrument cluster, satellite navigation, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, parking camera, keyless start, keyless unlocking, light sensor, wiper sensor, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, passenger airbag deactivation, telephone, hands free, bluetooth, el. windows, full-size spare wheel, el. folding mirrors, el. mirrors, self-dimming mirrors, push-button start, immobiliser, remote control, central locking, sports seats, leather upholstery, isofix, leather upholstery, heated seats, height adjustable driver's seat, reclining seats, tyre pressure sensor, Brake pad wear sensor, LED headlights, LED rear lights, aut. activation of warning lights, fog lights, start-stop system, USB, AUX, car radio, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), CD player, outside thermometer, heated mirrors, split rear seats, rear armrest, boční nášlapy, rear wiper, tinted glass, tinted rear windows, retractable roof, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, extendable head restraints

bought in CZ,​ first owner,​ not crashed,​ service book,​ Tel.: 774 756 646
39 tkm
147 kW
2.1 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

news on the server
36 025 EUR
2.2CRDi, Unlimited, 4x4, ČR
122 tkm
147 kW
2.1 l
Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 CRD, NOVÉ V ČR

Jeep Grand Cherokee

36 829 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
automatic parking, heated steering wheel, watch line, el. windows, roof rack, el. adjustable seats, heated windscreen, panoramic roof, el. mirrors, power steering, sunroof, car radio, auto air conditioning, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), fog lights, chassis height adjustment, leather upholstery, wiper sensor, tyre pressure sensor, ABS, central locking, on-board computer, el. folding mirrors, chassis stabilisation (ESP), heated seats, push-button start, USB, chassis stiffness control, aut. transmission, 4x4 drive

koupeno v CZ. Spolehlivý vůz SUV se silným naftovým motorem,​ automatickou převodovkou a pohonem 4X4.
78 tkm
184 kW
3 l
AAA Auto, Praha 8 - Čimice
Jeep Wrangler 2.2 CRD 147 KW SAHARA CZ

Jeep Wrangler

39 231 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
USB, memory card, bluetooth, remote control, hands free, Android Auto, alarm, Apple CarPlay, immobiliser, safety sandblasting of windows, el. windows, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, tinted glass, sunroof, fog lights, self-dimming mirrors, LED rear lights, tinted rear windows, rear wiper, full-size spare wheel, 220V inverter, auto air conditioning, split rear seats, hanging device, LED headlights, heated seats, LED daytime running lights, height-adjustable seats, longitudinal seat slide, extendable head restraints, reclining seats, leather upholstery, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, 4x airbag, dual-zone air conditioning, on-board computer, satellite navigation, Blind spot monitoring, removable rear seats, outside thermometer, isofix, towing bracket, alu wheels, Brake pad wear sensor, ABS, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), chassis stabilisation (ESP), Brake assist, auto. hill braking, downhill speed control, tyre pressure sensor, power steering, aut. transmission, 8 gears, 4x4 drive, drive mode selection, parking camera, asistent jízdy v koloně, adaptive cruise control, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, wiper sensor, light sensor

bought in CZ,​ first owner,​ service book,​ ČK:35 Pravidelný autorizovaný servis vozu,​ doživotní garance na původ vozu a počet najetý...
105 tkm
147 kW
2.1 l
AUTO FALTYS s.r.o., Praha 9 Čakovice
Jeep Wrangler 2.0 /280kW

Jeep Wrangler

39 720 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2.0 /280kW
4x4 drive, aut. transmission, 8 gears, 8x airbag, ABS, Brake assist, chassis stabilisation (ESP), Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), emergency braking (PEBS), downhill speed control, Hill Start Assist (HSA), Blind spot monitoring, auto. hill braking, aut. differential lock, towing bracket, power steering, dual-zone air conditioning, auto air conditioning, manual air conditioning, adaptive cruise control, daytime running lights, automatic high beam switching, alu wheels, fulfils 'EURO VI', voice control of the on-board computer, touch control of the on-board computer, satellite navigation, Reversing traffic monitoring (RCTA), front parking sensors, parking camera, keyless start, keyless unlocking, light sensor, wiper sensor, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, passenger airbag deactivation, hands free, Android Auto, bluetooth, el. windows, electric front windows, full-size spare wheel, el. mirrors, push-button start, immobiliser, alarm, remote control, central locking, gear shift lock, leather upholstery, heated seats, tyre pressure sensor, Brake pad wear sensor, LED headlights, LED rear lights, aut. activation of warning lights, fog lights, start-stop system, speedometer, USB, car radio, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), heated mirrors, air-conditioned glove box, split rear seats, rear wiper, tinted rear windows, front-wheel drive, rear drive, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, front differential lock, digital instrument cluster

bought in CZ,​ first owner,​ not crashed,​ service book,​ Plná výbava: přední,​ zadní a mezinápravová uzávěrka,​ adaptivní tempomat,​ vyh...
22 tkm
280 kW
2 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

44 035 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
56 tkm
147 kW
2.8 l
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 4x4 270k AT8 80

Jeep Wrangler

44 788 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 4x4 270k AT8 80
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, dual-zone air conditioning, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, wiper sensor, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., towing bracket, adaptive cruise control, tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB)

bought in CZ,​ first owner,​ not crashed,​ service book,​ Koupeno v ČR ​- IMOFA,​ 1. majitel,​ velmi zachovalý vůz,​ 100% nebouráno,​ pravi...
60 tkm
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
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Jeep Wrangler

49 199 EUR
14 tkm
147 kW
2.8 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Grand Cherokee

52 042 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
LIMITED L, 3.6 V6, DPH, 7 míst
48 tkm
216 kW
3.6 l
Jeep Wrangler 2.0T Unlimited OVERLAND

Jeep Wrangler

53 843 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2.0T Unlimited OVERLAND
4x4 drive, aut. transmission, 8 gears, driver's airbag, ABS, chassis stabilisation (ESP), Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), watch line, Blind spot monitoring, power steering, dual-zone air conditioning, auto air conditioning, adaptive cruise control, LED daytime running lights, alu wheels, on-board computer, drive mode selection, satellite navigation, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, parking camera, keyless start, keyless unlocking, light sensor, wiper sensor, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, passenger airbag deactivation, telephone, hands free, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, bluetooth, el. windows, full-size spare wheel, el. mirrors, push-button start, immobiliser, alarm, remote control, central locking, leather upholstery, leather upholstery, heated seats, height adjustable driver's seat, reclining seats, Brake pad wear sensor, LED headlights, LED rear lights, aut. activation of warning lights, fog lights, USB, AUX, car radio, outside thermometer, heated mirrors, split rear seats, boční nášlapy, rear wiper, tinted glass, tinted rear windows, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, longitudinal seat slide, extendable head restraints, electric starter

first owner,​ not crashed,​ service book,​ SKLADEM ! Volejte VŽDY PŘEDEM !!! Děkujeme za pochopení.JEEP Wrangler 2.0T Unlimited OVERL...
19 tkm
200 kW
2 l
A.C.A.B1 Enterprise s.r.o., Jesenice - Praha západ
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Grand Cherokee

54 003 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
LIMITED L, 3.6 V6, DPH, 7 míst
50 tkm
216 kW
3.6 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

55 244 EUR
UNLIMITED 3.6 V6 4X4 212kW
8 tkm
212 kW
3.6 l
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k Sahara

Jeep Wrangler

59 043 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k Sahara
4x airbag, 8x airbag, ABS, driver's airbag, alarm, auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, auto. hill braking, car radio, AUX, Brake assist, remote control, central locking, passenger airbag deactivation, split rear seats, daytime running lights, EDS, el. windows, el. mirrors, Blind spot monitoring, immobiliser, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, on-board computer, fulfils 'EURO VI', 4x4 drive, power steering, leather upholstery, LED headlights, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, Brake pad wear sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), push-button start, cruise control, adaptive cruise control, USB, differential lock, outside thermometer, heated seats, heated mirrors, height adjustable driver's seat, LED rear lights, hands free, dual-zone air conditioning, bluetooth, emergency braking (PEBS), parking camera, start-stop system, Trailer Stability Assist (TSA), self-dimming mirrors, isofix, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, keyless unlocking, keyless start, leather upholstery, tinted glass, rear wiper, warranty, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, Hill Start Assist (HSA), boční nášlapy, LED daytime running lights, Speed limit indicator (SLIF), tinted rear windows, ambient interior lighting, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, automatic high beam switching, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), digital instrument cluster, LED adaptive headlights, full-size spare wheel, rear armrest, digital instrument cluster

SKLADEM​-IHNED K ODEBRÁNÍ ​- DEMO vozidlo autorizovaného dealera značek Jeep,​ Dodge a RAM ​- Záruka 5 let/100.000 km od data registra...
4 tkm
200 kW
2 l
Motortec s.r.o., Brno-Ivanovice
Jeep Wrangler 2.0 T Un. OVERLAND,2x střecha

Jeep Wrangler

59 648 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2.0 T Un. OVERLAND,2x střecha
4x4 drive, aut. transmission, 8 gears, sports chassis, ABS, chassis stabilisation (ESP), Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, watch line, Blind spot monitoring, power steering, dual-zone air conditioning, adaptive cruise control, daytime running lights, LED daytime running lights, alu wheels, on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, touch control of the on-board computer, drive mode selection, satellite navigation, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, parking camera, keyless start, keyless unlocking, light sensor, wiper sensor, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, telephone, hands free, Android Auto, bluetooth, protective frames, el. windows, full-size spare wheel, el. mirrors, self-dimming mirrors, push-button start, immobiliser, alarm, remote control, central locking, leather upholstery, leather upholstery, heated seats, height adjustable driver's seat, reclining seats, tyre pressure sensor, Brake pad wear sensor, LED headlights, LED rear lights, aut. activation of warning lights, start-stop system, USB, AUX, car radio, outside thermometer, heated mirrors, split rear seats, boční nášlapy, rear wiper, tinted glass, tinted rear windows, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, extendable head restraints, 220V inverter, electric starter, warranty

bought in D,​ tuning,​ first owner,​ not crashed,​ service book,​ SKLADEM !!!!!!!!!! NEJSME AUTOBAZAR – Volejte VŽDY PŘEDEM !!! na proh...
19 tkm
200 kW
2 l
A.C.A.B1 Enterprise s.r.o., Jesenice - Praha západ
Jeep Gladiator 3.0 V6 CRD 264k Overland

Jeep Gladiator

59 968 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.0 V6 CRD 264k Overland
4x4 drive, aut. transmission, 4x airbag, ABS, Brake assist, chassis stabilisation (ESP), EDS, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), emergency braking (PEBS), Trailer Stability Assist (TSA), Hill Start Assist (HSA), watch line, Blind spot monitoring, power steering, dual-zone air conditioning, auto air conditioning, adaptive cruise control, LED daytime running lights, automatic high beam switching, alu wheels, fulfils 'EURO VI', on-board computer, drive mode selection, satellite navigation, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, parking camera, keyless start, keyless unlocking, light sensor, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, passenger airbag deactivation, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, bluetooth, el. windows, el. mirrors, push-button start, immobiliser, alarm, remote control, leather upholstery, isofix, leather upholstery, tyre pressure sensor, Brake pad wear sensor, LED headlights, LED rear lights, fog lights, start-stop system, USB, AUX, car radio, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), outside thermometer, heated mirrors, split rear seats, rear armrest, interior thermometer, tinted glass, tinted rear windows, retractable roof, 220V inverter, warranty

Akční výprodej !! Více informací k vozu,​ foto ,​ aktuálnosti a možnostem Vám rádi sdělíme telefonicky,​emailem,​WhatsApp ...Protiúčet...
15 km
194 kW
3 l
REGIO AUTO, spol. s r.o., Hradec Králové
Jeep Gladiator 3.0 V6 CRD 264k Overland

Jeep Gladiator

61 970 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.0 V6 CRD 264k Overland
4x4 drive, aut. transmission, 4x airbag, ABS, Brake assist, chassis stabilisation (ESP), EDS, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), emergency braking (PEBS), Trailer Stability Assist (TSA), Hill Start Assist (HSA), watch line, Blind spot monitoring, power steering, dual-zone air conditioning, auto air conditioning, adaptive cruise control, LED daytime running lights, automatic high beam switching, alu wheels, fulfils 'EURO VI', on-board computer, drive mode selection, satellite navigation, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, parking camera, keyless start, keyless unlocking, light sensor, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, passenger airbag deactivation, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, bluetooth, el. windows, el. mirrors, push-button start, immobiliser, alarm, remote control, leather upholstery, isofix, leather upholstery, tyre pressure sensor, Brake pad wear sensor, LED headlights, LED rear lights, fog lights, start-stop system, USB, AUX, car radio, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), outside thermometer, heated mirrors, split rear seats, rear armrest, interior thermometer, tinted glass, tinted rear windows, retractable roof, 220V inverter, warranty

Akční výprodej JEEP GLADIATOR .Více informací k vozu,​ foto ,​ aktuálnosti a možnostem Vám rádi sdělíme telefonicky,​emailem,​WhatsApp...
1 tkm
194 kW
3 l
REGIO AUTO, spol. s r.o., Hradec Králové
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k Rubicon

Jeep Wrangler

62 046 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k Rubicon
4x airbag, ABS, driver's airbag, alarm, auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, auto. hill braking, car radio, AUX, Brake assist, remote control, central locking, passenger airbag deactivation, split rear seats, daytime running lights, EDS, el. windows, el. mirrors, Blind spot monitoring, immobiliser, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, on-board computer, fulfils 'EURO VI', 4x4 drive, power steering, leather upholstery, LED headlights, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, Brake pad wear sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), push-button start, cruise control, adaptive cruise control, USB, differential lock, outside thermometer, heated seats, heated mirrors, height adjustable driver's seat, LED rear lights, hands free, dual-zone air conditioning, emergency braking (PEBS), parking camera, start-stop system, self-dimming mirrors, isofix, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, keyless unlocking, keyless start, leather upholstery, tinted glass, rear wiper, warranty, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, Hill Start Assist (HSA), LED daytime running lights, Speed limit indicator (SLIF), front differential lock, tinted rear windows, ambient interior lighting, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, automatic high beam switching, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), digital instrument cluster, LED adaptive headlights, full-size spare wheel, rear armrest, digital instrument cluster

SKLADEM​-FACELIFT​-MODEL 2024 ​- Nové skladové vozidlo autorizovaného dealera značek Jeep,​ Dodge a RAM ​- Záruka 5 let/100.000 km ​- Po...
50 km
200 kW
2 l
Motortec s.r.o., Brno-Ivanovice
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k Rubicon

Jeep Wrangler

62 046 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k Rubicon
4x airbag, ABS, driver's airbag, alarm, auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, auto. hill braking, car radio, AUX, Brake assist, remote control, central locking, passenger airbag deactivation, split rear seats, daytime running lights, EDS, el. windows, el. mirrors, Blind spot monitoring, immobiliser, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, on-board computer, fulfils 'EURO VI', 4x4 drive, power steering, leather upholstery, LED headlights, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, Brake pad wear sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), push-button start, cruise control, adaptive cruise control, USB, differential lock, outside thermometer, heated seats, heated mirrors, height adjustable driver's seat, LED rear lights, hands free, dual-zone air conditioning, emergency braking (PEBS), parking camera, start-stop system, self-dimming mirrors, isofix, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, keyless unlocking, keyless start, leather upholstery, tinted glass, rear wiper, warranty, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, Hill Start Assist (HSA), LED daytime running lights, Speed limit indicator (SLIF), front differential lock, tinted rear windows, ambient interior lighting, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, automatic high beam switching, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), digital instrument cluster, LED adaptive headlights, full-size spare wheel, rear armrest, digital instrument cluster

SKLADEM​-FACELIFT​-MODEL 2024 ​- Nové skladové vozidlo autorizovaného dealera značek Jeep,​ Dodge a RAM ​- Záruka 5 let/100.000 km ​- Mo...
50 km
200 kW
2 l
Motortec s.r.o., Brno-Ivanovice
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k Rubicon

Jeep Wrangler

62 046 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k Rubicon
4x airbag, ABS, driver's airbag, alarm, auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, auto. hill braking, car radio, AUX, Brake assist, remote control, central locking, passenger airbag deactivation, split rear seats, daytime running lights, EDS, el. windows, el. mirrors, Blind spot monitoring, immobiliser, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, on-board computer, fulfils 'EURO VI', 4x4 drive, power steering, leather upholstery, LED headlights, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, Brake pad wear sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), push-button start, cruise control, adaptive cruise control, USB, differential lock, outside thermometer, heated seats, heated mirrors, height adjustable driver's seat, LED rear lights, hands free, dual-zone air conditioning, emergency braking (PEBS), parking camera, start-stop system, self-dimming mirrors, isofix, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, keyless unlocking, keyless start, leather upholstery, tinted glass, rear wiper, warranty, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, Hill Start Assist (HSA), LED daytime running lights, Speed limit indicator (SLIF), front differential lock, tinted rear windows, ambient interior lighting, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, automatic high beam switching, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), digital instrument cluster, LED adaptive headlights, full-size spare wheel, rear armrest, digital instrument cluster

SKLADEM ​- FACELIFT ​- MODEL 2024 ​- Nové skladové vozidlo autorizovaného dealera značek Jeep,​ Dodge a RAM ​- Záruka 5 let/100.000 km ...
50 km
200 kW
2 l
Motortec s.r.o., Brno-Ivanovice
Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2.0T 272k aut.4WD akce

Jeep Wrangler

62 050 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Rubicon 2,0T 272k aut.4WD akce
USB, remote control, keyless start, keyless unlocking, immobiliser, el. windows, heated mirrors, tinted glass, fog lights, LED headlights, LED rear lights, LED daytime running lights, rear wiper, auto air conditioning, dual-zone air conditioning, heated seats, el. adjustable seats, leather upholstery, leather upholstery, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, on-board computer, satellite navigation, parking camera, Blind spot monitoring, watch line, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, alu wheels, chassis stabilisation (ESP), tyre pressure sensor, aut. transmission, 8 gears, 4x4 drive, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, front differential lock, cruise control, adaptive cruise control, electric starter, push-button start, start-stop system, wiper sensor, light sensor, warranty, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, full-size spare wheel

Info na 602785785. Ihned k odběru. Premium
30 km
200 kW
2 l
CENTRUM Moravia Sever - autosalon Mercedes-Benz, Ostrava
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Sahara

Jeep Wrangler

63 603 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Sahara
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), asistent jízdy v koloně, emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-18,​5% (358.200 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.313.058 Kč,​ 5 let MAXIMUM...
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2.0T 272k aut.4WD akce

Jeep Wrangler

63 931 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Rubicon 2,0T 272k aut.4WD akce
car radio, USB, bluetooth, central locking, keyless start, keyless unlocking, immobiliser, el. windows, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, tinted glass, fog lights, LED headlights, LED rear lights, LED daytime running lights, rear wiper, auto air conditioning, dual-zone air conditioning, split rear seats, heated seats, height-adjustable seats, leather upholstery, leather upholstery, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, on-board computer, satellite navigation, parking camera, Blind spot monitoring, watch line, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, alu wheels, Brake pad wear sensor, ABS, chassis stabilisation (ESP), tyre pressure sensor, power steering, aut. transmission, 8 gears, 4x4 drive, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, front differential lock, cruise control, adaptive cruise control, electric starter, push-button start, start-stop system, wiper sensor, light sensor, warranty, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, full-size spare wheel

Info na 602785785,​ Ihned k dodání. Premium
24 km
200 kW
2 l
CENTRUM Moravia Sever - autosalon Mercedes-Benz, Ostrava
Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2.0T 272k aut.4WD akce

Jeep Wrangler

63 931 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Rubicon 2,0T 272k aut.4WD akce
car radio, USB, AUX, bluetooth, remote control, keyless start, keyless unlocking, el. windows, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, fog lights, LED headlights, LED rear lights, rear wiper, auto air conditioning, dual-zone air conditioning, heated seats, el. adjustable seats, leather upholstery, leather upholstery, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, on-board computer, satellite navigation, parking camera, Blind spot monitoring, watch line, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, alu wheels, chassis stabilisation (ESP), emergency braking (PEBS), tyre pressure sensor, aut. transmission, 8 gears, 4x4 drive, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, front differential lock, cruise control, adaptive cruise control, electric starter, push-button start, wiper sensor, light sensor, warranty, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, full-size spare wheel

Info na 602785785. Skladem ihned k odběru. Premium.
34 km
200 kW
2 l
CENTRUM Moravia Sever - autosalon Mercedes-Benz, Ostrava
Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2.0 Turbo 4WD

Jeep Wrangler

65 248 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Rubicon 2.0 Turbo 4WD
aut. transmission

Vůz je ihned k dispozici. Možnost nákupu na úvěr nebo vykoupíme starší vůz protihodnotou. V případě zájmu o tento vůz volejte p. J...
20 km
2 l
AUTOCENTRUM Dojáček spol. s.r.o., Praha 10 - Vršovice
Jeep Wrangler 2.0 Turbo 4WD 8AT  Rubicon

Jeep Wrangler

65 248 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2,0 Turbo 4WD 8AT Rubicon
6x airbag, 8 gears, ABS, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, USB, adaptive cruise control, asistent jízdy v koloně, Hill Start Assist (HSA), auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, automatic high beam switching, car radio, bluetooth, Brake assist, remote control, central locking, passenger airbag deactivation, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), digital instrument cluster, dual-zone air conditioning, el. windows, el. mirrors, hands free, Blind spot monitoring, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, on-board computer, parking camera, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, full-size spare wheel, fulfils 'EURO VI', longitudinal seat slide, 4x4 drive, power steering, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), LED headlights, wiper sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), start-stop system, differential lock, outside thermometer, drive mode selection, heated seats, height adjustable driver's seat, rear wiper, LED rear lights, tinted rear windows, warranty

service book,​ Pro úplnou specifikaci vozidla a výbavy kontaktujte prodejce.,​Financování vozidla s úrokem od 2.99 % a délkou financ...
1 km
200 kW
2 l
CAR CENTRUM člen skupiny AUTO UH s.r.o., Uherské Hradiště
Jeep Wrangler 3.6 V6 Rubicon Xtereme Recon

Jeep Wrangler

65 252 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3,6 V6 Rubicon Xtereme Recon
USB, AUX, bluetooth, remote control, keyless start, keyless unlocking, el. windows, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, additional headlights, fog lights, LED headlights, rear wiper, auto air conditioning, dual-zone air conditioning, split rear seats, heated seats, leather upholstery, leather upholstery, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, on-board computer, parking camera, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, alu wheels, ABS, chassis stabilisation (ESP), tyre pressure sensor, power steering, aut. transmission, 8 gears, 4x4 drive, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, front differential lock, cruise control, electric starter, wiper sensor, light sensor, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, full-size spare wheel

first owner,​ not crashed,​ service book,​ Info na 602 785 785. Prohlídka vozu po telefonické domluvě. 3.6L Pentastar VVT V6 engine w...
45 tkm
212 kW
3.6 l
CENTRUM Moravia Sever - autosalon Mercedes-Benz, Ostrava
Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2.0 Turbo 4WD - sklade

Jeep Wrangler

65 452 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Rubicon 2.0 Turbo 4WD - sklade
ABS, alarm, auto air conditioning, auto. hill braking, car radio, split rear seats, daytime running lights, el. windows, el. mirrors, immobiliser, alu wheels, manual transmission, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, on-board computer, parking assistant, power steering, LED headlights, satellite navigation, wiper sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), cruise control, adaptive cruise control, heated seats, hands free, bluetooth, parking camera, isofix, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, keyless unlocking, keyless start, leather upholstery, rear wiper, warranty, Hill Start Assist (HSA), boční nášlapy, LED daytime running lights, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, Lane assist, automatic high beam switching, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), full-size spare wheel

Skladem ​- vystaveno na prodejně nových vozů Jeep ​- U Seřadiště 65/7,​ Praha 10 ​- Vršovice. Pro více informací volejte Pavla Pondělí...
1 km
200 kW
2 l
AUTOCENTRUM Dojáček spol. s.r.o., Praha 10 - Vršovice
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Sahara

Jeep Wrangler

65 604 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Sahara
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, watch line, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), asistent jízdy v koloně, emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-15% (293.100 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.354.380 Kč,​ 5 let MAXIMUM C...
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Sahara

Jeep Wrangler

65 604 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Sahara
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), asistent jízdy v koloně, emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-15% (293.100 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.354.380 Kč,​ 5 let MAXIMUM C...
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2.0T 4WD

Jeep Wrangler

65 773 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Rubicon 2.0T 4WD
ABS, adaptive cruise control, 4x airbag, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), aut. transmission, car radio, bluetooth, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), hands free, USB, keyless unlocking, keyless start, push-button start, split rear seats, daytime running lights, wiper sensor, el. windows, electric front windows, el. adjustable seats, Hill Start Assist (HSA), chassis stabilisation (ESP), LED daytime running lights, LED headlights, immobiliser, isofix, auto air conditioning, dual-zone air conditioning, alu wheels, leather upholstery, LED rear lights, tyre pressure sensor, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, parking camera, 4x4 drive, light sensor, cruise control, differential lock, heated seats, heated steering wheel, height adjustable driver's seat, height-adjustable seats, tinted rear windows

NOVÝ NEJETÝ VŮZ ​- IHNED K ODBĚRU. ZÁRUKA NA VŮZ 5 LET / 100.000km. Údaje obsažené v této kartě mají informativní charakter. Tato i...
200 kW
2 l
SMAŽÍK s.r.o., Velké Přítočno
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Sahara

Jeep Wrangler

65 829 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Sahara
2x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, watch line, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-15% (291.600 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.359.008 Kč,​ 5 let MAXIMUM C...
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Sahara

Jeep Wrangler

66 405 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Sahara
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, watch line, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-14% (277.200 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.370.909 Kč,​ 5 let MAXIMUM C...
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler 2.0T PHEV (380k) 8AT RUBICON

Jeep Wrangler

66 449 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2,0T PHEV (380k) 8AT RUBICON
alu wheels, ABS, Hill Start Assist (HSA), Brake assist, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), chassis stabilisation (ESP), 4x airbag, automatic high beam switching, keyless start, push-button start, remote control, central locking, adjustable steering wheel, dual-zone air conditioning, el. windows, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, self-dimming mirrors, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, immobiliser, AUX, bluetooth, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), hands free, satellite navigation, USB, LED daytime running lights, LED rear lights, tyre pressure sensor, multifunction steering wheel, adaptive cruise control, on-board computer, retractable roof, power steering, fog lights, front parking sensors, LED headlights, light sensor, 4x4 drive, outside thermometer, cruise control, tinted glass, differential lock, front differential lock, height adjustable driver's seat, extendable head restraints, rear armrest, parking camera, Rear parking sensors, split rear seats, warranty, tinted rear windows, alarm, leather upholstery, heated seats, heated steering wheel

Předváděcí vůz,​ ihned k odběru,​ registrovaný vůz (TP) 27.7.2022,​ záruka od 18.7.2022 (platnost záruky do 17.7.2027 / 100 000 km). ...
700 km
280 kW
2 l
hybrid - petrol
SMAŽÍK NORD s.r.o., Ústí nad Labem
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico

Jeep Wrangler

66 805 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, el. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), asistent jízdy v koloně, emergency braking (PEBS)

Předváděcí vůz,​ najeto 4.500 km,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-19% (396.200 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.379.174 Kč,​ 5...
5 tkm
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler 2.0 Sahara 4WD 8AT

Jeep Wrangler

67 010 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2,0 Sahara 4WD 8AT
6x airbag, 8x airbag, ABS, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, USB, adaptive cruise control, ambient interior lighting, asistent jízdy v koloně, Hill Start Assist (HSA), auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, automatic high beam switching, car radio, bluetooth, boční nášlapy, Brake assist, remote control, central locking, passenger airbag deactivation, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), digital instrument cluster, dual-zone air conditioning, el. windows, el. mirrors, hands free, Blind spot monitoring, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, on-board computer, parking camera, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, full-size spare wheel, fulfils 'EURO VI', 4x4 drive, power steering, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), LED headlights, downhill speed control, satellite navigation, wiper sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), start-stop system, differential lock, outside thermometer, drive mode selection, heated seats, heated steering wheel, height adjustable driver's seat, rear armrest, rear wiper, LED rear lights, tinted rear windows, warranty

K dodání do 14 dnů.,​Pro úplnou specifikaci vozidla a výbavy kontaktujte prodejce.,​Financování vozidla s úrokem od 2.99 % a délkou ...
1 km
200 kW
2 l
CAR CENTRUM člen skupiny AUTO UH s.r.o., Uherské Hradiště
Jeep Wrangler 2.0 Sahara 2.0 Turbo 4WD AT

Jeep Wrangler

67 650 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2,0 Sahara 2.0 Turbo 4WD AT
6x airbag, 8 gears, ABS, AUX, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, USB, adaptive cruise control, ambient interior lighting, asistent jízdy v koloně, Hill Start Assist (HSA), auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, automatic high beam switching, car radio, bluetooth, boční nášlapy, Brake assist, remote control, central locking, passenger airbag deactivation, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), digital instrument cluster, dual-zone air conditioning, el. windows, el. mirrors, hands free, Blind spot monitoring, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, on-board computer, parking camera, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, full-size spare wheel, fulfils 'EURO VI', longitudinal seat slide, 4x4 drive, power steering, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), LED headlights, downhill speed control, satellite navigation, wiper sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), start-stop system, differential lock, outside thermometer, drive mode selection, heated seats, heated steering wheel, height adjustable driver's seat, rear armrest, rear wiper, LED rear lights, tinted rear windows, warranty

K dodání do 14 dnů.,​Pro úplnou specifikaci vozidla a výbavy kontaktujte prodejce.,​Financování vozidla s úrokem od 2.99 % a délkou ...
1 km
200 kW
2 l
CAR CENTRUM člen skupiny AUTO UH s.r.o., Uherské Hradiště
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

67 766 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.6 Rubicon Short 3.5 LIFT
13 tkm
210 kW
3.6 l
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico

Jeep Wrangler

67 830 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, watch line, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), asistent jízdy v koloně, emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-15% (297.600 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.400.330 Kč,​ 5 let MAXIMUM C...
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico

Jeep Wrangler

68 006 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, watch line, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-14% (283.100 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.403.967 Kč,​ 5 let MAXIMUM C...
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico

Jeep Wrangler

68 006 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), asistent jízdy v koloně, emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-14% (282.200 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.403.967 Kč,​ 5 let MAXIMUM C...
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler 2.0 PHEV 4xe  Rubicon

Jeep Wrangler

68 050 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2,0 PHEV 4xe Rubicon
8 gears, 8x airbag, ABS, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, LED daytime running lights, USB, adaptive cruise control, Lane assist, Hill Start Assist (HSA), Trailer Stability Assist (TSA), auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, bluetooth, boční nášlapy, remote control, central locking, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), el. windows, electric starter, el. mirrors, hands free, immobiliser, air-conditioned glove box, leather upholstery, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, 220V inverter, adjustable steering wheel, protective frames, on-board computer, parking camera, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, full-size spare wheel, fulfils 'EURO VI', 4x4 drive, power steering, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), LED headlights, downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, retractable roof, chassis stabilisation (ESP), push-button start, cruise control, differential lock, outside thermometer, drive mode selection, heated mirrors, heated windscreen washer nozzles, heated steering wheel, height adjustable driver's seat, rear armrest, rear wiper, LED rear lights, tinted rear windows, warranty

Pro úplnou specifikaci vozidla a výbavy kontaktujte prodejce.,​Financování vozidla s úrokem od 2.99 % a délkou financování až 72 mě...
1 km
280 kW
2 l
hybrid - petrol
CAR CENTRUM člen skupiny AUTO UH s.r.o., Uherské Hradiště
Jeep Wrangler 2.0 Rubicon 2.0 Turbo 4WD AT

Jeep Wrangler

68 851 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2,0 Rubicon 2.0 Turbo 4WD AT
6x airbag, 8 gears, ABS, AUX, Apple CarPlay, USB, adaptive cruise control, asistent jízdy v koloně, Hill Start Assist (HSA), auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, automatic high beam switching, car radio, bluetooth, Brake assist, remote control, central locking, passenger airbag deactivation, daytime running lights, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), digital instrument cluster, dual-zone air conditioning, el. windows, el. mirrors, hands free, Blind spot monitoring, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, on-board computer, parking camera, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, full-size spare wheel, fulfils 'EURO VI', 4x4 drive, power steering, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), LED headlights, wiper sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, Driver fatigue monitoring, chassis stabilisation (ESP), start-stop system, differential lock, outside thermometer, drive mode selection, heated seats, height adjustable driver's seat, rear wiper, LED rear lights, tinted rear windows, warranty

K dodání do 14 dnů.,​Pro úplnou specifikaci vozidla a výbavy kontaktujte prodejce.,​Financování vozidla s úrokem od 2.99 % a délkou ...
1 km
200 kW
2 l
CAR CENTRUM člen skupiny AUTO UH s.r.o., Uherské Hradiště
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico

Jeep Wrangler

69 207 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, el. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), asistent jízdy v koloně, emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-15% (304.200 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.428.760 Kč,​ 5 let MAXIMUM C...
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2.0 Turbo 4WD AT

Jeep Wrangler

69 251 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Rubicon 2.0 Turbo 4WD AT
6x airbag, 8 gears, ABS, AUX, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, USB, adaptive cruise control, ambient interior lighting, asistent jízdy v koloně, Hill Start Assist (HSA), auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, automatic high beam switching, car radio, bluetooth, Brake assist, remote control, central locking, passenger airbag deactivation, daytime running lights, digital instrument cluster, dual-zone air conditioning, el. windows, el. mirrors, hands free, Blind spot monitoring, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, on-board computer, parking camera, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, fulfils 'EURO VI', longitudinal seat slide, 4x4 drive, power steering, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), LED headlights, wiper sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), start-stop system, differential lock, outside thermometer, drive mode selection, heated seats, height adjustable driver's seat, rear wiper, LED rear lights, tinted rear windows, warranty

K dodání do 14 dnů.,​Pro úplnou specifikaci vozidla a výbavy kontaktujte prodejce.,​Financování vozidla s úrokem od 2.99 % a délkou ...
1 km
200 kW
2 l
CAR CENTRUM člen skupiny AUTO UH s.r.o., Uherské Hradiště

Jeep Wrangler

new price
69 976 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
4x4 drive, aut. transmission, 4x airbag, ABS, chassis stabilisation (ESP), downhill speed control, Blind spot monitoring, power steering, dual-zone air conditioning, auto air conditioning, cruise control, LED daytime running lights, alu wheels, fulfils 'EURO VI', on-board computer, touch control of the on-board computer, satellite navigation, Rear parking sensors, parking camera, keyless start, keyless unlocking, light sensor, wiper sensor, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, hands free, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, bluetooth, protective frames, el. windows, full-size spare wheel, el. mirrors, push-button start, immobiliser, remote control, leather upholstery, isofix, leather upholstery, height adjustable driver's seat, reclining seats, tyre pressure sensor, LED headlights, LED rear lights, additional headlights, fog lights, start-stop system, USB, AUX, car radio, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), outside thermometer, heated mirrors, split rear seats, boční nášlapy, rear wiper, tinted rear windows, differential lock, front differential lock, longitudinal seat slide, extendable head restraints

bought in CZ,​ first owner,​ not crashed,​ service book,​ Vozidlo registrované nové v ČR najeto 154KM!!! STAV NOVÉHO VOZU!!! Původní c...
154 km
212 kW
3.6 l
STOP CARS, s.r.o. , Znojmo
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico

Jeep Wrangler

70 408 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 272k AT8 Rubico
4x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, el. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), asistent jízdy v koloně, emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-15% (307.100 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 1.453.554 Kč,​ 5 let MAXIMUM C...
200 kW
2 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0 4xe PHEV Sahara

Jeep Wrangler

72 018 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0 4xe PHEV Sahara
aut. transmission

bought in CZ,​ first owner,​ service book,​ Vůz je ihned k dispozici. Možnost nákupu na úvěr nebo vykoupíme starší vůz protihodnotou....
5 tkm
AUTOCENTRUM Dojáček spol. s.r.o., Praha 10 - Vršovice
Jeep Wrangler 2.0T PHEV (380 k) 4XE SAHARA

Jeep Wrangler

72 054 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2,0T PHEV (380 k) 4XE SAHARA
alu wheels, ABS, Hill Start Assist (HSA), Brake assist, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), chassis stabilisation (ESP), 4x airbag, automatic high beam switching, remote control, central locking, adjustable steering wheel, dual-zone air conditioning, el. windows, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, self-dimming mirrors, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, immobiliser, AUX, bluetooth, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), hands free, satellite navigation, USB, LED daytime running lights, LED rear lights, tyre pressure sensor, multifunction steering wheel, adaptive cruise control, keyless unlocking, keyless start, Blind spot monitoring, push-button start, on-board computer, power steering, fog lights, front parking sensors, LED headlights, light sensor, outside thermometer, cruise control, tinted glass, height adjustable driver's seat, extendable head restraints, rear armrest, parking camera, Rear parking sensors, split rear seats, warranty, tinted rear windows, leather upholstery, heated seats, heated steering wheel

Skladové vozidlo,​ ihned k odběru!! Nový,​ nejetý vůz,​ záruka od 27.1.2023,​ záruka do 27.1.2028 / 100 000 km,​ cena platí do vyprodán...
1 km
280 kW
2 l
hybrid - petrol
SMAŽÍK NORD s.r.o., Ústí nad Labem
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 2.0T 4xe PHEV 380k A

Jeep Wrangler

75 613 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 2.0T 4xe PHEV 380k A
6x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ PLUG IN HYBRIDNÍ VERZE s dojezdem až 60 km čistě na elektřinu,​ výkon 380k,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-14% (29...
1 km
280 kW
2 l
hybrid - petrol
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

77 291 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2,0T PHEV 380 PS Sahara
5 km
280 kW
2 l
hybrid - petrol
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

78 434 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2,0T PHEV 380 PS Rubicon
5 km
280 kW
2 l
hybrid - petrol
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

89 563 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
2.0 Rubicon 3.5 Lift, naviják
1 km
201 kW
2 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

89 563 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.6 V6 Rubicon X, 35 pneu
1 km
213 kW
3.6 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

91 985 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.6 V6 Rubicon X, 35 pneu
1 km
213 kW
3.6 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

91 985 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.6 V6 Rubicon X, 35 pneu
1 km
213 kW
3.6 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

91 985 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.6 V6 Rubicon X, 35 pneu
1 km
213 kW
3.6 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

91 985 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.6 V6 Rubicon X, 35 pneu
1 km
213 kW
3.6 l
Jeep Wrangler 6.4 SRT HEMI V8 Unlim. Rubicon

Jeep Wrangler

92 034 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
6,4 SRT HEMI V8 Unlim. Rubicon
7x airbag, 8 gears, ABS, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, EDS, LED adaptive headlights, LED daytime running lights, adaptive chassis control, adaptive cruise control, driver's airbag, Hill Start Assist (HSA), aut. activation of warning lights, auto air conditioning, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, auto. hill braking, self-dimming mirrors, automatic high beam switching, car radio, wireless mobile phone charger, keyless unlocking, bluetooth, boční nášlapy, remote control, central locking, passenger airbag deactivation, daytime running lights, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, dual-zone air conditioning, el. windows, el. adjustable seats, el. folding mirrors, electric starter, el. mirrors, hands free, immobiliser, isofix, manual air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, leather upholstery, leather upholstery, tuned exhaust, alu wheels, fog lights, multifunction steering wheel, adjustable steering wheel, turning searchlights, winch, on-board computer, parking assistant, parking camera, front parking sensors, Rear parking sensors, full-size spare wheel, fulfils 'EURO VI', longitudinal seat slide, 4x4 drive, reclining seats, power steering, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), LED headlights, additional headlights, downhill speed control, chassis stiffness control, satellite navigation, Brake pad wear sensor, wiper sensor, light sensor, tyre pressure sensor, Driver fatigue monitoring, chassis stabilisation (ESP), start-stop system, push-button start, towing bracket, cruise control, tinted glass, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, front differential lock, outside thermometer, heated seats, heated mirrors, height-adjustable seats, height adjustable driver's seat, rear wiper, LED rear lights, tinted rear windows

bought in USA,​ first owner,​ service book,​ 100% záruka na najeté km. 100% záruka na původ vozu.. Odpočet DPH,​ Velká výbava (Tlumiče...
76 tkm
350 kW
6.4 l
BOHEMIA CARS PRAGUE, s.r.o., Dolní Břežany
Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit Reserve 2.0 Turbo 4xe -

Jeep Grand Cherokee

93 265 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Summit Reserve 2.0 Turbo 4xe -
aut. transmission

Předváděcí vůz vystavený na prodejně Jeep ​- U Seřadiště 65/7,​ Praha 10 ​- Vršovice. Pro více informací volejte Pavla Pondělíka na 7...
6 tkm
200 kW
2 l
hybrid - petrol
AUTOCENTRUM Dojáček spol. s.r.o., Praha 10 - Vršovice
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 3.6 V6 290k AT8 Rubi

Jeep Wrangler

100 032 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited 3,6 V6 290k AT8 Rubi
6x airbag, passenger airbag deactivation, ABS, alarm, dual-zone air conditioning, air-conditioned glove box, aut. transmission, aut. differential lock, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, Brake assist, central locking, split rear seats, el. adjustable seats, height-adjustable seats, power steering, leather upholstery, heated seats, EDS, electric front windows, outside thermometer, interior thermometer, immobiliser, el. mirrors, heated mirrors, alu wheels, fog lights, on-board computer, 4x4 drive, Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, satellite navigation, wiper sensor, light sensor, chassis stabilisation (ESP), sunroof, man. roof ..., tinted glass, rear wiper, start-stop system, daytime running lights, parking camera, adaptive cruise control, heated steering wheel, Blind spot monitoring, Driver fatigue monitoring, bluetooth, digital instrument cluster, digital instrument cluster, touch control of the on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, digitální příjem rádia (DAB), asistent jízdy v koloně, emergency braking (PEBS)

Nový skladový vůz,​ IHNED K ODBĚRU,​ AKCE BŘEZEN ​-14,​5% (421.400 Kč),​ možnost odpočtu DPH ​- cena bez DPH 2.065.124 Kč,​ excluzivní EX...
1 km
213 kW
3.6 l
IMOFA, spol. s r.o., Praha
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

100 220 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.6 V6 Rubicon X, Naviják
1 km
213 kW
3.6 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

101 189 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.6 V6 Rubicon X, SkyTop, 35
1 km
213 kW
3.6 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

101 673 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
3.6 V6 Rubicon X, Naviják
1 km
213 kW
3.6 l
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 392

Jeep Wrangler

130 104 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited Rubicon 392
4x4 drive, aut. transmission, 8 gears, 4x airbag, driver's airbag, ABS, Brake assist, chassis stabilisation (ESP), Anti-slip wheel system (ASR), downhill speed control, Hill Start Assist (HSA), Blind spot monitoring, auto. hill braking, towing bracket, power steering, dual-zone air conditioning, auto air conditioning, adaptive cruise control, LED daytime running lights, automatic high beam switching, alu wheels, fulfils 'EURO VI', on-board computer, touch control of the on-board computer, digital instrument cluster, Reversing traffic monitoring (RCTA), Rear parking sensors, parking camera, keyless start, keyless unlocking, light sensor, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, paddle shifters under the steering wheel, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, bluetooth, el. windows, el. roof ..., full-size spare wheel, el. mirrors, push-button start, immobiliser, alarm, remote control, leather upholstery, leather upholstery, heated seats, height adjustable driver's seat, LED headlights, LED rear lights, fog lights, USB, AUX, car radio, outside thermometer, heated mirrors, split rear seats, tuned exhaust, rear wiper, tinted glass, retractable roof, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, front differential lock
14 km
350 kW
6.4 l
TUCAR PLUS s.r.o., Ostrava - Vítkovice
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 392 final

Jeep Wrangler

130 300 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
Unlimited Rubicon 392 final
4x4 drive, 8 gears, 7x airbag, aut. differential lock, power steering, adaptive cruise control, cruise control, fulfils 'EURO VI', on-board computer, voice control of the on-board computer, touch control of the on-board computer, digital instrument cluster, drive mode selection, 360° monitoring system (AVM), parking assistant, parking camera, adjustable steering wheel, multifunction steering wheel, heated steering wheel, paddle shifters under the steering wheel, hands free, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, wireless mobile phone charger, protective frames, el. windows, electric front windows, panoramic roof, immobiliser, alarm, gear shift lock, leather upholstery, heated seats, el. adjustable seats, ventilated seats, height adjustable driver's seat, reclining seats, aut. activation of warning lights, outside thermometer, split rear seats, removable rear seats, rear armrest, sunroof, boční nášlapy, snorkel, interior thermometer, retractable roof, differential lock, uzávěrka mezináprav. diferenciálu, front differential lock, electrically adjustable rear seats, digital instrument cluster, ventilated rear seats, heated rear seats

Ve chvíli,​ kdy zmáčknete tlačítko startování a ucítíte,​ že se 6.4 litrový motor HEMI® V8 probudí k životu,​ že 470 koní jeho čistéh...
7 km
346 kW
6.4 l
UNITESTA, spol s r.o., Praha 9 Letňany
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Jeep Wrangler

130 300 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
6.4 Rubicon 392 Final Edition
1 km
350 kW
6.4 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

133 158 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
6.4 Rubicon 392 Final Edition
1 km
350 kW
6.4 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

133 158 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
6.4 Rubicon 392 Final Edition
1 km
350 kW
6.4 l
v detailu inzerce

Jeep Wrangler

135 580 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
6.4 Rubicon 392 Final Edition
1 km
350 kW
6.4 l
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Jeep Wrangler

159 799 EUR
 possibility to deduct VAT
6.4 392 Lift Edition, 37 pneu
1 km
350 kW
6.4 l
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Alfa Romeo























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